
Dr. John M. Stalberg speaks on a number of issues concerning legal and medical factors.


Why an impartial medical examiner carries more legal weight?

A treating doctor is not in a position to deal with the legalities of Workers Comp disputes between employees and employers. An Agreed Medical Examiner (AME) is used to provide an impartial expert assessment of the case as to medical and legal issues.

Is your Workers Comp case “compensable”?

When an injured worker is diagnosed with a mental health issue, his condition still must meet specific legal definitions and parameters for it to be compensable under the law.

Which mental health professional is right for you?

After an initial treatment, an injured worker might have reaction to medication and/or experience mental health consequences. A psychiatrist is a medical doctor who can separate the various aspects of the diagnosis and ascertain the biological factors, in addition to psychological ones.

Does knowledge of law make a difference in medical testimony?

Having a law degree in addition to a medical one allows the expert to understand the legal basis for the positions taken by attorneys and the judge. This doesn’t mean that a Forensic Psychiatrist is a decision-maker, but as a consultant a legal education certainly adds to the effectiveness of the expert’s testimony.

Dr. Stalberg quoted by U.S. Supreme Court justice

Case study of a death penalty case adjudicated by Justice Thomas of the U.S. Supreme Court and a Worker’s Comp case filed by a victim of the criminal.

Similarities between criminal and Workers Comp cases

A Workers Comp case is adjudicated on the basis of ”substantial evidence” that requires solid data to back it up. This is a level of evidence that has been employed in criminal cases for a long time, and today is equally demanded by the courts in Workers Comp cases.

Dr. Stalberg Comforts Spanish-Speaking Clients

Interview with Spanish interpreter Hector Herrera.

El Dr. Stalberg consuela a los clientes de habla hispana

Entrevista con el interprete de Espanol Hector Herrera.